Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Small Rewards

I have one class that is particularly difficult to attend. Data Analysis is basically statistics and it bor-ring! I recently noticed I do very well on all of my take home tests but not so great with the quizzes. I had been missing many classes (especially those before quizzes) which resulted in low quiz scores. My regular attendance as of late resulted in my first excellent score on a quiz. That was enough motivation to convince me to go to class... for a while, I still find it difficult to refrain from ditching. It occurred to me that there's a Starbucks in Zimmerman, right across from my class so I reward myself with a nice Venti Passion Iced Tea (w/3.5 pumps of sweetener, rather than 6). This gives me something to look forward to and keeps me going to class. Funny how something that works for a 3 year-old still works on a 21 year-old. :)

1 comment:

Summer said...

I want Starbucky!