Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's the little things...

Yesterday I went down to my parents' to hang for a bit, I wanted to go shoe shopping so sister followed me up so I wouldn't have to go alone. We left her car and my place and hit the stores. After shoe shopping we met Kate for dinner. Kate and I had class so sister took my car back up to my house, on the way she put some gas in my car. I didn't realize this 'till this morning (as I didn't drive last night) when I left for work. I asked sister if she put gas in my car and she replied with "no, the gas fairy did. DUH!" I thanked her and she appologized for not giving me a full tank. This is my sister for ya, I don't feel that I get the chance to thank her enough. I really lucked out in that department... I just hope I'm as good to her as she is to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sister I have never seen this blog... I'm not going to lie, I got tears in my eyes!
I love you so much and you are the bestest sister EVER:)