Friday, April 06, 2007

Sir Manfred Pookanator, the little rat bastard from the piss pot clan, the first (and hopefully the last)

It saddens me to report that my little Pooka dog will be leaving us in an hour or so. My mom'll be leaving the house pretty soon here with my doggie. I'm sure he's more than excited to be going for an r-i-d-e, if only he knew these'll be his last moments with mom. We're taking him to Edgewood today to live with a foster parent until the lap dog rescue agency finds a new home for him. His barking has just become too much and drives my dad crazy, literally sometimes. Although I've known it was coming for a while now, I have knots in my stomach and I'm choking back the tears while writing this. It's probably better for Pooka to live in a calm environment but it's still sad to have to say good bye to a member of the family.

I will be left with many fond memories and will miss him terribly.

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