Friday, April 06, 2007

"a Mongie car"

I called my mom last night...

Mom: honey, I have something to tell you... I want to ask you something... honey, we bought you something today.
Me: What? Why?
Mom: honey, we bought you a car.
Me: What'd ya do that for?
Mom: your dad and I want you to have a good reliable car.
Me: My car's fine.
Mom: Well, daddy found a car that seems perfect for you. It was just meant to be. Then we're going go put the money we spent on your car towards your sisters' and sell the Corolla and give your grandma the money.

My parents are sooo funny! They feel that since my sister doesn't have a job it's logical to give both of us money. I love them and their randomness and am grateful beyond words.

::Dad gets on the phone::
Me: What's all this about?
Dad: Well, we just think it's meant to be. I went to go pick up parts and I saw a car parked funny... it was for sale. I looked at it and thought "man that's a Mongie car" It's a Subaru Outback that's white with roof racks! I thought aw man, I bet it's a standard, I walked up to it and it's a stick!

They called the owners (both ordained ministers) and drove it around...

It'll be mine on Monday.
They're crazy and I love them.

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