Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day of Silence

Today marks the 11th annual Day of Silence, one of the largest student-led actions in the country. UNM's QSA made t-shirts and everything! (haha) The Day of Silence is an annual event held to bring attention of anti-LGBT bullying, harrassment and discrimination in schools. Students and teachers nationwide will observe the day in silence to "echo" the silence that LGBT students face everyday.

...wish this was actually realistic. I wouldn't mind being silent for a day... (yes, that may be in part because I would have an excuse to sign all day...) I'm not sure what kind of impact this is making on the "awareness of homophobia" maybe this event is just "silenced" at UNM but, aside from QSA and (oddly enough) the Lutheran Campus Ministry hardly any of my friends know anything about it. It just makes me wonder if this has any effect on anything. Aside from that, it is pretty neat and exciting that the Lutheran Campus Ministry is teaming up with the QSA for this event! They're actually hosting dinner at the Luther House following the breaking of the silence vigil.

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