Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Day of Classes...

... was technically yesterday, but since I dropped that one I'd like to consider today as the first day. I pretty much decided before walking into Family Psych yesterday that it wasn't for me, probably just because I had a migraine. Anyway... I'm not upset about dropping a class, not even a little - I usually drop at least one a semester just for good measure, if nothing else.

Anyway... started the day with the same damn headache... pulled my ass outta bed and walked to class around 9. Totally dig the fact that the walk is like 88% in the shade!

I decided to try out a 9:30 class that I wasn't registered for because well, I do want to graduate sooner rather than later. Walked into Nelson Valdes' Soc of New Mexico - sounds like somewhat of a sleeper but he actually managed to keep my attention through the whole class - props to him for that.

Next class was Research Methods - the LAST of the Social Stats series - very excited that I managed to get it with my Data Analysis teach - exciting - it's a drag but it definitely could be worse, so I'm excited about that.

After that I had ASL 3, aside from some (well, one) annoying people in the class it'll be great
- 3rd class with the wonderful Bonnie Rudy - LOVE LOVE LOVE her!

Awkward break from 1:45-4:00 - The ever-so-lovely Bekah picked me up and enjoyed a nice visit to Ecco :D

4-4:50 Lovely Research Methods Lab - Teach is a "hard ass" - his words... totally won't suck as bad as it could. :) Thankfully, this one's only on Tuesday.

Another Awkward break from 4:50-5:30

Absolutely WONDERFUL Frickin' class! Soc of Law w/Chuck Barth... all I could think of when he was going through the intro was how bad ass this class is going to be.

... I really hated today, but looking back at it I think I have a pretty decent schedule. :)

Alright... I should probably pull my self away from Flying Star... not only am I going to suck their supply of Mango Iced Tea dry... but Mao needs food...

::Must call Comcast tomorrow!::

Friday, August 17, 2007

Another "oh yeah..."

Totally (right, not just partially) bought tix to see Tegan and Sara in Boulder in the beginning of November. Exciting stuff! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Ass Kickers

Mom, Dad, Grandma J, Grandma C and Sister (no particular order) are AMAZING! A-MAZING! Seriously. Love them all! (just want to toss that out there) Oh yeah, my friends kick ass too. Love them too.

Even more updates...

I like my Mao (like the Communist leader in China, yes...). I'm gonna get a dog and name him something like Rugby and then call him Marx. Get it? Maybe? I donno. I like my cat. End of story.

I hung with Jenny on Sunday... no photos :( it was wonderful.

Went to din with sis on Tuesday (or something like it) at Flying Star... looked across the street and saw something... a Gelato place! Ecco Gelato is BAD FRICKIN ASS! (open 7-10 -SICK 'eh?!?!?) Go there. I LOVE THEM! (All sNob Hill needs is Relish). GO THERE!

Got to do lunch-ish with the wife on Tuesday - I believe - Also wonderful.

Wednesday night the cuz came over and I made din for her and sister. :) Lovely but no photos.

Hung out with Kris (we've been trying all summer) last night. Again, wonderful. Again, no photos.

Sorry for the scatteredness... My week has been different (no work... all school... love it)... and I wanted it to show, even if it wasn't the best way to do so.

More updates...

Alright, I suppose next on my list is kitten. On Saturday (the 11th?) I took Hockey to get his shots at a shot clinic at Petsmart... he did very well and does not have Leukemia(Something I was unreasonably worried about).

... crappy quality photos from the phone... but this is pretty much how the visit went: waited in line and held Hockey for the good majority of 1 1/2 hours. I worried my way through it and he slept for the remainder of the day.... super cute. Love the damn cat.

If I remember correctly... the same day I hung out with Dom... something I hadn't done in a while. - I believe it to be noteworthy. Here are some photos cuz I like him... and he doesn't mind the camera being part of our get togethers. :)

Moving on to another post. Sorry about the cluster-f' of entries but ... I think it's appropriate... :)


First of all I would like to apologize for the lack of posts as of late. The recent move took away my lovely ability to use the internet at home, so I find myself sneaking away to Flying Star (where I am currently)... or the parking lot of Satellite to make my connections. This past week has kept me especially distant from that connection due to a week long 8-5 class I was taking.

This has got to be one of the more valuable classes I have run into. I enrolled in this class, mediation, for many reasons... first of all I am interested in possibly venturing off into the filed of Conflict Resolution for grad school, secondly I figured it would be a very valuable skill to have and... well... it was a 3 credit hour upper division course that was offered in a week. It seems as if almost every time I would tell someone about my class over text or e-mail they thought I said meditation. I found this to be somewhat interesting because that is what I was reading the first couple of times I saw it too. People would say something similar to 'well, that's nice... you'll start the fall semester nice and relaxed.' I found it amusing that people (including myself) confuse mediation with meditation (even if it is just on paper). I found this class to be very beneficial in many ways. The week long full focus on one class worked extremely well, it's a shame all classes aren't like this. :) There were lot of things I knew about my self were reiterated through this class. Many of these things I tend to view as more negative (even though I can see the value in them, I still valued the opposite qualities a little more) , this class caused me to see them as a positive thing... which is very good for me. I could probably ramble on about the class but we'll save that for another time, when most of my thoughts and opinions have faded. ;)

Let's step back a bit so I can toss some more updates in... Many of these would've been their own post but I'm combining because it sounds like fun.

On August 4th (I only remember because that's when my photos are dated) I broke the kitchen in and made my first dinner (& dessert) in my new kitchen. It was fabulous... thanks to Trader Joe's... :)Apparently (as my photos are showing) I was going to blog next with photos of my apartment... I haven't had the chance to take many... but this might... kinda sorta... give you an idea... maybe.

... ok... I can see how that really didn't accomplish anything... I had more photos but things have changed since I've taken them... so I suppose I'll have to update and post then :)

Alright... I'm getting annoyed with this lengthy post... stay tuned for the continuation of my updates.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Ms. Anti-cats caved.
I remember when house sitting for a woman with 3 cats, I'd tell anyone that would listen that "I will never get a cat, ever. You can mark my words."

...apparently I can no longer be considered a woman of her word.
Meet Hockey - this little guy did a fabulous job of conning me into adopting him.