Friday, August 17, 2007

More updates...

Alright, I suppose next on my list is kitten. On Saturday (the 11th?) I took Hockey to get his shots at a shot clinic at Petsmart... he did very well and does not have Leukemia(Something I was unreasonably worried about).

... crappy quality photos from the phone... but this is pretty much how the visit went: waited in line and held Hockey for the good majority of 1 1/2 hours. I worried my way through it and he slept for the remainder of the day.... super cute. Love the damn cat.

If I remember correctly... the same day I hung out with Dom... something I hadn't done in a while. - I believe it to be noteworthy. Here are some photos cuz I like him... and he doesn't mind the camera being part of our get togethers. :)

Moving on to another post. Sorry about the cluster-f' of entries but ... I think it's appropriate... :)

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