Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Day of Classes...

... was technically yesterday, but since I dropped that one I'd like to consider today as the first day. I pretty much decided before walking into Family Psych yesterday that it wasn't for me, probably just because I had a migraine. Anyway... I'm not upset about dropping a class, not even a little - I usually drop at least one a semester just for good measure, if nothing else.

Anyway... started the day with the same damn headache... pulled my ass outta bed and walked to class around 9. Totally dig the fact that the walk is like 88% in the shade!

I decided to try out a 9:30 class that I wasn't registered for because well, I do want to graduate sooner rather than later. Walked into Nelson Valdes' Soc of New Mexico - sounds like somewhat of a sleeper but he actually managed to keep my attention through the whole class - props to him for that.

Next class was Research Methods - the LAST of the Social Stats series - very excited that I managed to get it with my Data Analysis teach - exciting - it's a drag but it definitely could be worse, so I'm excited about that.

After that I had ASL 3, aside from some (well, one) annoying people in the class it'll be great
- 3rd class with the wonderful Bonnie Rudy - LOVE LOVE LOVE her!

Awkward break from 1:45-4:00 - The ever-so-lovely Bekah picked me up and enjoyed a nice visit to Ecco :D

4-4:50 Lovely Research Methods Lab - Teach is a "hard ass" - his words... totally won't suck as bad as it could. :) Thankfully, this one's only on Tuesday.

Another Awkward break from 4:50-5:30

Absolutely WONDERFUL Frickin' class! Soc of Law w/Chuck Barth... all I could think of when he was going through the intro was how bad ass this class is going to be.

... I really hated today, but looking back at it I think I have a pretty decent schedule. :)

Alright... I should probably pull my self away from Flying Star... not only am I going to suck their supply of Mango Iced Tea dry... but Mao needs food...

::Must call Comcast tomorrow!::

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