Thursday, August 02, 2007


Ms. Anti-cats caved.
I remember when house sitting for a woman with 3 cats, I'd tell anyone that would listen that "I will never get a cat, ever. You can mark my words."

...apparently I can no longer be considered a woman of her word.
Meet Hockey - this little guy did a fabulous job of conning me into adopting him.


Anonymous said...

He's so cute!
He looks just like a little Simon (our cat)..Hope yours isn't as hairy!

trenchmonkey said...

So...the cat's out of the bag.
Cute lil pucker:)

K8 said...

Awwww it's so cute when he chews on his foot. But not as cute as when he catches a claw on something and keeps walking with his leg dragging behind him... How precious... :)

Anahata said...

Ah, I remember that cat lady...Just don't start making him warm meals complete with deli meat, and we'll still consider you to be sane. ;)