Friday, August 17, 2007


First of all I would like to apologize for the lack of posts as of late. The recent move took away my lovely ability to use the internet at home, so I find myself sneaking away to Flying Star (where I am currently)... or the parking lot of Satellite to make my connections. This past week has kept me especially distant from that connection due to a week long 8-5 class I was taking.

This has got to be one of the more valuable classes I have run into. I enrolled in this class, mediation, for many reasons... first of all I am interested in possibly venturing off into the filed of Conflict Resolution for grad school, secondly I figured it would be a very valuable skill to have and... well... it was a 3 credit hour upper division course that was offered in a week. It seems as if almost every time I would tell someone about my class over text or e-mail they thought I said meditation. I found this to be somewhat interesting because that is what I was reading the first couple of times I saw it too. People would say something similar to 'well, that's nice... you'll start the fall semester nice and relaxed.' I found it amusing that people (including myself) confuse mediation with meditation (even if it is just on paper). I found this class to be very beneficial in many ways. The week long full focus on one class worked extremely well, it's a shame all classes aren't like this. :) There were lot of things I knew about my self were reiterated through this class. Many of these things I tend to view as more negative (even though I can see the value in them, I still valued the opposite qualities a little more) , this class caused me to see them as a positive thing... which is very good for me. I could probably ramble on about the class but we'll save that for another time, when most of my thoughts and opinions have faded. ;)

Let's step back a bit so I can toss some more updates in... Many of these would've been their own post but I'm combining because it sounds like fun.

On August 4th (I only remember because that's when my photos are dated) I broke the kitchen in and made my first dinner (& dessert) in my new kitchen. It was fabulous... thanks to Trader Joe's... :)Apparently (as my photos are showing) I was going to blog next with photos of my apartment... I haven't had the chance to take many... but this might... kinda sorta... give you an idea... maybe.

... ok... I can see how that really didn't accomplish anything... I had more photos but things have changed since I've taken them... so I suppose I'll have to update and post then :)

Alright... I'm getting annoyed with this lengthy post... stay tuned for the continuation of my updates.

1 comment:

Summer said...

LOve It!!!!

So happy for u and proud of you too-1 hand typing; baby on boob.

I so want to visit--we'll hang out soon! i sweart!!