Friday, June 29, 2007


Gave Gromi away to a friend of mine today. I'm working on moving and figured it would be in the little guy's best interest to be in a stable home environment. Kinda miss the little bugger, but ya can't really cuddle with 'em soooo... guess it could be worse.

... didn't get any really good photos, kinda sad but I figured it was a little on the pathetic side to whip out the camera and start shooting.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Plan v2

Back to plan A.B... or was it 1.3... or... whatever.

I want to do something with sign language... I'm attached to Bonnie, workin' on my 3rd semester w/her. She's great! I want to stay in the sign program at UNM, there's an attraction. I realize it might not be the greatest thing to have the desire to hold 10 billion bachelors but I think I will regret this one if I don't go for it. It will also give me a little more time to come to terms with the whole moving out of state thing for grad school. I might be in denial a bit, but the whole "break" before grad school is not a form of procrastination. Getting accepted into ASL 3 pumped me up... (I think I gave up a little after convincing myself that I wasn't going to get into it...)

Here are the steps I am taking to explore my passions:

Photography --> Take as many photos as possible while trying to figure out the next step

Sign Language --> ASL Immersion week (if I can afford it), and going STRONG next semester

Conflict Resolution --> Mediation class in the fall

Thursday, June 21, 2007

An evening with Crate & Barrel

Playing... a.k.a. avoiding doing things that need to get done... a.k.a. procrastinating. It's a good time, really. Anyway... didn't want to chance losing my shopping cart on Crate & Barrel so.... I figured I'd put 'em here.

.... I love the above. Aside from the martini glasses, they're plain, simple and practical (meaning... inexpensive). Maybe when (or... if) I find my own place I can talk my self in to getting them :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fall Classes

August 13-17
8-5 Mediation

5:30-8 Family Psychology

Tuesday & Thursday
11-12:15 Research Methods
12:30-1:45 ASL 3
4-4:50 Research Methods
5:30-6:45 Soc of Law

... I'm thinkin' I have a pretty good semester lined up...
All I'll need in the spring is a Soc and Psych class and a couple other whatever classes!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

If it weren't for her...
...wouldn't be here.
And if it weren't for this......there wouldn't be my sister and I... and my dad wouldn't be a dad.
So, because we are all necessary in making my dad a dad... we all went out for dinner at St. Clair Winery & Bistro.
Great music...
wonderful food and more importantly amazing company made for an outstanding evening.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Tegan and Sara

I adore them

Friday, June 08, 2007


Summer classes started this week. Started out with 9 hours... dropped to 3... decided the lower division classes really weren't worth it. The one class I kept seems like it'll be pretty great. (yay for online summer classes!)

Just got a new job... Got the lead from my friend Jess should be a pretty good time! ...and no, I'm not leaving the current p.o.w. (place of work, not to be confused with prisoner of war) it'll be a while before that happens. Anyway, went in for the interview on Wednesday and got a call yesterday (Thursday) saying I got it. They originally said it would take at least a week before I'd know whether or not I got the job... so I was pretty happy with finding out less than a day later.

I'm volunteering for EQNM this weekend during Pride with Dom... pretty excited about that.

... Just want to put it out there that I need to do the following:

Try yoga , go sky diving & go on a west coast road trip w/Sarah... oh, and of course - travel OUTSIDE of the country.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Going nutty 2

... still kinda holdin' onto the idea of a Masters in Conflict Resolution (pr'ly cuz it's the most attainable). Back when that was my "plan" (like, last week...) I made a list of schools that offered it... today, I looked on craigslist for apts/houses in Glenside, PA (home of Arcadia University) and they look pretty reasonable. Ideally I'd like a Western Univ so I could get in-state tuition through the Western Exchange Program... but Glenside is like 5 minutes away from my aunt.... I think... which could be fun! :) hmmmmmmmm....

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Oh, and uh...

Khaled Hosseini's new book, A Thousand Splendid Suns is out... definitely get on it!

...and if you haven't read Kite Runner, get on that too.

Oh, he's also coming July 2nd for a reading/Q&A/signing... buy tickets @ Bookworks. Just do it, really.

Going nutty

So I've written numerous entries on this whole "Nichole's future" subject thang... 3 of which are still sitting in my drafts pile... I've decided I really need to start documenting this.... so that when I'm finally admitted, people will know that it's really nothing new.

Alright. Here is where my thoughts are headed:

Week before last: Met with mentor. Options are: Marketing, Counseling, Photo and ASL (chart below)

Last week: Met with the mentor, decided to look into my options with photography (because, well... after all, it is one of my few (known) passions). So then I decided to delve into a deep search of grad schools that offer a Masters in Conflict Resolution. Then I decide I am not well rounded enough so I need a Bachelors in Engineering.

Earlier this week: Engineering isn't really something I'm all that crazy about, I'll get a B.S. in bio. Then maybe do a Masters in Conflict Resolution... cuz now I'm cool and hybrid-like and will appeal to the science type people.

Today: Accelerated Nursing Program. Masters in Nursing. Post-Masters Certificate. Nichole, Nurse for 4 years. Then... Masters in something somewhere out of the sate.

Tomorrow: God only knows.

I've been doing alot of self-eval as to why I'm so frickin' NUTS... and I think I'm starting to understand. Basically it comes down to: I hate (and by hate, I mean I fear doing it for the rest of my life) clerical work. - maybe I'll get gutsy and post that blog. Hmmmm.


::posting w/out reading... so it actually gets posted::