Friday, June 22, 2007

Plan v2

Back to plan A.B... or was it 1.3... or... whatever.

I want to do something with sign language... I'm attached to Bonnie, workin' on my 3rd semester w/her. She's great! I want to stay in the sign program at UNM, there's an attraction. I realize it might not be the greatest thing to have the desire to hold 10 billion bachelors but I think I will regret this one if I don't go for it. It will also give me a little more time to come to terms with the whole moving out of state thing for grad school. I might be in denial a bit, but the whole "break" before grad school is not a form of procrastination. Getting accepted into ASL 3 pumped me up... (I think I gave up a little after convincing myself that I wasn't going to get into it...)

Here are the steps I am taking to explore my passions:

Photography --> Take as many photos as possible while trying to figure out the next step

Sign Language --> ASL Immersion week (if I can afford it), and going STRONG next semester

Conflict Resolution --> Mediation class in the fall

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