Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Going nutty

So I've written numerous entries on this whole "Nichole's future" subject thang... 3 of which are still sitting in my drafts pile... I've decided I really need to start documenting this.... so that when I'm finally admitted, people will know that it's really nothing new.

Alright. Here is where my thoughts are headed:

Week before last: Met with mentor. Options are: Marketing, Counseling, Photo and ASL (chart below)

Last week: Met with the mentor, decided to look into my options with photography (because, well... after all, it is one of my few (known) passions). So then I decided to delve into a deep search of grad schools that offer a Masters in Conflict Resolution. Then I decide I am not well rounded enough so I need a Bachelors in Engineering.

Earlier this week: Engineering isn't really something I'm all that crazy about, I'll get a B.S. in bio. Then maybe do a Masters in Conflict Resolution... cuz now I'm cool and hybrid-like and will appeal to the science type people.

Today: Accelerated Nursing Program. Masters in Nursing. Post-Masters Certificate. Nichole, Nurse for 4 years. Then... Masters in something somewhere out of the sate.

Tomorrow: God only knows.

I've been doing alot of self-eval as to why I'm so frickin' NUTS... and I think I'm starting to understand. Basically it comes down to: I hate (and by hate, I mean I fear doing it for the rest of my life) clerical work. - maybe I'll get gutsy and post that blog. Hmmmm.


::posting w/out reading... so it actually gets posted::

1 comment:

Summer said...

Ooh, I like all your plans!

And don't worry; you SO will not be doing cleriwork all your life.