Friday, June 08, 2007


Summer classes started this week. Started out with 9 hours... dropped to 3... decided the lower division classes really weren't worth it. The one class I kept seems like it'll be pretty great. (yay for online summer classes!)

Just got a new job... Got the lead from my friend Jess should be a pretty good time! ...and no, I'm not leaving the current p.o.w. (place of work, not to be confused with prisoner of war) it'll be a while before that happens. Anyway, went in for the interview on Wednesday and got a call yesterday (Thursday) saying I got it. They originally said it would take at least a week before I'd know whether or not I got the job... so I was pretty happy with finding out less than a day later.

I'm volunteering for EQNM this weekend during Pride with Dom... pretty excited about that.

... Just want to put it out there that I need to do the following:

Try yoga , go sky diving & go on a west coast road trip w/Sarah... oh, and of course - travel OUTSIDE of the country.

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