Thursday, May 17, 2007

A great day

So, dad and I had a "shooting" trip to the zoo planned for today. The weather this morning wasn't really the weather we were shootin' for... aside from the rain, the sky was a boring gray so we figured it wouldn't make for very good photos. It worked out though cuz dad is super busy this time of year and had a lot he was putting aside for this. I was also able to save Amy some day care money and spend time with my favorite. :) We had a great time!

Mom doesn't believe I feed him so I had to document it. He's kinda goofy.
We hung out at home and played with TMNT for a while. It turned out to be a beautiful day so we went to the park... ...and climbed the "super rock" Although the zoo with dad would've been a blast I'm kinda glad I was able to take time off of work just to hang out. The mission of "de-stressing" myself from this past semester was definitely accomplished.

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