Sunday, May 20, 2007


...It might've been due to the fact that I was listening to my "breakthrough" music (a title that has appropriately been given to one of my favorite bands, Muse... listen to them... you'll agree w/my title, it's most apparent in their most recent album)... but my car and I are now friends. At first, the wobbly stick and I did not get along. I hated driving it and wanted my Crayola back. Consider this history my friends... This weekend, Saturday I went to Los Lunas for a friend's Graduation party and then to Corrales to Kate's parents' for a going away bbq for one of Kate & her mom's co-workers. I drove Subbie (still trying to figure out the correct spelling) quite a bit... when I was on Alamedia, on my way to the bbq it hit me. I like my car. I've learned how to work the stick and really enjoy driving my little Subbie. I thought this was a noteworthy event. Enough about cars.

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