Sunday, March 30, 2008


While finally doing laundry today I came to the conclusion that:
A. I should not wear pants
B. I should never do laundry

...In transit to the laundromat the bleach rolled from the towel on the whites side to the jeans and ruined all 5 pairs of my jeans.


I think I’m ok with the new changes in my lifestyle that I now have to make.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I love sandwiches

Have you ever had a deli that is hideously close to your place of residence that you've thought about going to on numerous occasions but refrained only because it was too convenient? That happens all the time, right? Well, I've been living here since August of last year and always wanted to try this deli right off of MLK called DG's Deli... maybe you've heard of it? Well... I finally tried it on my way home today, thinking that it would be a nice/relatively healthy/quick option for lunch as I only have an hour and a half to write this paper (that I've kind of given up on writing right now - surprise surprise). Anyway, tried the deli and give it two thumbs up... they have a very extensive menu, I didn't give it much thought and ordered the first thing I saw that had green chili on it, the Lobo Club. It was super good, I'll go back... come with me next time?

Post Script - the photo'll send ya to their site if ya click on it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


...only took an hour...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


A caption is probably unnecessary but it's a stained glass tree... I got the outline around a month ago and I'm getting it filled in today (Although, the idea of being able to color it in with a marker sounds like a good time).
One of my favorite children's books.
...that my Aunt C bought me 20 years ago
(well, almost... as it is not Christmas yet).
It has doodles on the front and back covers that I like.
so.... I got some tattooed on the inside of my arm... and I love them.

Threadless Sale

As you probably know, I love my Threadless Tees! Just thought I'd share the wonderfulness with ya (just click the link above)! ...If you find one you like don't hesitate... they're going fast!


Pretty fun show... Thanks to Kate who came across it last minute... you usually don't expect to find good bands from out of state playing at Atomic. Good stuff, wish you were there.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but I LOVE graffiti, not even kidding...

AND... I love fisheyes (thanks to paw for loaning his Sigma EX DG Fisheye 8mm 1:3.5 --- I am in love with this lens)

Sit in a ditch


... I left w/out seeing it all. I'm pumped up and very excited to go back and see the rest.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Music on page

Just an FYI... if you're hatin' it consider changing your mind... or the song... scroll to the bottom of the page to do what you like with it.

...just in case you actually looked at the photo and are curious... word has it, the text near the flag translates to "no one is free until everyone is free" (it's Norwegian).