Tuesday, March 18, 2008


A caption is probably unnecessary but it's a stained glass tree... I got the outline around a month ago and I'm getting it filled in today (Although, the idea of being able to color it in with a marker sounds like a good time).
One of my favorite children's books.
...that my Aunt C bought me 20 years ago
(well, almost... as it is not Christmas yet).
It has doodles on the front and back covers that I like.
so.... I got some tattooed on the inside of my arm... and I love them.



i love tattoos! especially meaningful ones

Anonymous said...

Uber Fantastic

Unknown said...

I LOVE that book, the ink is way cool, how did the color go.......??? I need to see it

CholE said...

Thanks! The color looks great! I'll post photos once it's nice and healed... the sun looks like it's yellow w/red spots haha.

Just Jenn said...

Ditto to everything everyone else said.