Saturday, October 06, 2007

Damn technology

About 4 months ago my wonderful Zen MicroPhoto broke (for the second time, thankfully the first time it was still covered under warranty). I tried all of the tricks I learned from the first time it broke at least once a week. No luck. I finally decided I could no longer live without an mp3 player... after months of being indecisive I made up my mind to get a new nano. I went price checking at several stores, came home and decided to think about it some more (typical Nichole fashion). I was getting ready to head up to Santa Fe for a deaf story telling event and realized I desperately needed music so I tried once again to get my Zen to work. While I was on my way to Santa Fe I talked Kate into picking up the Zen for me at Costco. I got home and immediately synced all my music. I spent the evening with sister, got home and plugged in my Zen to charge so I could give the extra battery to Kate, (who also has a Zen). When I plugged my Zen in it decided to work ten minutes into the charge. I didn't do a damn thing to it, it just decided to work all on it's own. ::It would:: Now what?

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