Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Things are hectic and I'm ignoring it - bad move, I'm sure. I have a paper 'due' to my mentor at work on Friday... I feel as if I'm unqualified to write it, just because I barely have a toe in the water that is the subject of Computational Models in Social Sciences. It's interesting though, I'm learning (what a concept!). My old organization at work asked me to come back to help out with a Fest that will be at the end of May. I'm meeting with them next week to see if it will work, but I have my doubts because the semester is wrapping up and Death Cab for Cutie is playing in Denver the day of the start of the fest (which coincidently is my 6th anniversary at Sandia - I should NOT spend it working). We'll see what happens though, I wouldn't mind working with them again. I dropped Alcoholism, the class, from my life... I figured the best way to learn about the psychology of alcoholism would really be to pick up the bottle, so I bought a case of my favorite beer. Kidding, but I really did drop alcoholism. All joking aside, I feel like it was part slacker but well thought through and I am happy with this decision. By dropping the class I will be able to keep my job through March (instead of August) and take a couple of classes in the fall. Productive procrastination, of sorts. So now, I only have 2 actual classes (out of 4), Deaf Culture and Positive Psychology. I have my independent study that doesn't consist of 'class' and cross-cultural psych that I've decided to not go to... not that I ever really went (I think I've been to a total of 2 classes (that's 4 half classes) haha)... I found out today I got a 100% on the midterm... soooo I'm done thinking about going. I'm diggin' it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think this is a good move for you