Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Productive Procrastination usually how I roll. I've pretty much decided to add a second major (Linguistics w/focus in Signed Language) and graduate in May '09 instead of May '08. I think/hope it's a good move. They're letting me keep my minor (Psychology) too so it's pretty good stuff.

Any strong thoughts/opinions?

Current thoughts towards grad school (as they change pretty much weekly): Hit it up in August '09 (no change there) pr'ly in Portland, Seattle or...? ...and go for Psycholinguistics?


Just Jenn said...

I think it's smart. I wish I had more of an opinion but I'm so bad at talking about school because I basically know nothing. Once you're done with school, though, and have a career then you can help me. HA! Maybe it was smart to have a kid and not bother with school right away!

CholE said...

Holy crap I am ridiculous when it comes to changing my mind.