Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Week of Classes...

I figured that since I did this last semester it might be fun to do it again. I actually found it quite interesting to go back and see what my first impressions were compared to my final impression.

T/Rs start off great... with a nice walk to school with Amy.

First class is Psych of Language, Nothing but positive thoughts!

Deaf Culture, a little intimidated but excited.

Positive Psych, a self-help class. I'm not so great at learning about myself in a direct sense so we'll see how this goes. Prof is on top o' shi*... photographed the entire class individually, printed off a sheet of everyone and has already memorized all the names of his class of 50. He would.

Alcoholism, hilarious prof... intimidating but I think the entertainment of her dry humor is going to be totally worth it.

Cross-Cultural Psychology... was only in the 2.5 hour class for 8 minutes (because the class was added 2 weeks ago and the prof hasn't picked out a book yet) so I don't really have a whole lot to say other than those 8 minutes left me with positive thoughts towards the class.

Directed Study w/Bob Fiala... gotta love getting credit for work you're already doing!

I'm technically registered for Women and Cultural Violence (which I was v. excited about taking) but I decided not to go to it (it's a Thursday only class so it was the last one I would've tried out) because I cannot take 21 hours... I figured it was best to not get attached and just drop.

I'm pretty excited about this semester and not really wanting it to be my last, but I'm keeping my options open.... we'll see what happens.

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