Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Kayla and I played with lefse again yesterday... here's my new favorite sweet lefse:

Heidi's red chile raspberry jam & swiss cheese. Soooooooo good.

Monday, December 29, 2008


NM style:
Traditional (plus cheese and cardamom):

Kalya as Vanna White:

Friday, December 26, 2008

Honorable Mention

Tried Rasoi last night, sort of on accident... mostly out of shock that it was open on Christmas night. It was damn good... SUPER excited to go again SOOOOOON!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Eve

Went to g-ma C's (photos to come, maybe) and then home.
A good time was had by all. See...


(mom and sister both got headphones... I think daddy might've felt a little left out?)



(I got a flash (!!!) ^without and...
^with... crazy shit. Nikon knows how to do flash!)

I just love my family... the dynamics are killer, it's good stuff.

Christmas came at a great time this year...

I'm a damn lucky gal.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thought I'd share a photo of my lovely Christmas decorations... haha. They're slim, but the cat doesn't mess with 'em.

...pretty pleased w/my banner... It cost a whole dollar to make. :)
Thanks for the paint swatches, Lowes :)

**I have 'til the 5th off from work... so I'm going to get into the habit of having my camera with me ALL the time... I hope to post a few shots daily... so, stay tuned!


NM Tea Co. is THE SHIT!

...jus sayin'.

It's like, my new favorite place EVER. Go. Now.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 04, 2008


Just finished my LAST undergrad class!!!

...just sayin'...

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend Recap

Thursday - Turkey with the fam. Shot a fam.
Dessert with the fam.

Friday - Hung out with Sarah. Shopped a little. Made yum pizza for din. Went to The Q. Hung with Sarah, Joey and Leonard at iHop. Massaged my sinus pressure points.

Saturday - Made Christmas cookies at G-ma J's.
Hung with the 'rents, sis, and Kate.
Played some Farkle.



Sunday - Jenn's baby shower with sister.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Photo shoot with Aimee today - here are some of the (quick) top picks.





This one is my favorite...





Monday, November 24, 2008

5th Birthday!

My boy is growing up.

When he overheard someone asking someone else how to spell his name he interrupted insisting that he knew how to spell it. They finally listened to him and he proceeded...
"Big T, little e, little m, little p, draw a line, little e, little r... Templer."

Oh how I love this boy.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Andrew Bird

Andrew Bird is going to be in Albuquerque on the 13th of February!

Wahoo! Get your tickets!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


my anti-depressant.

...and here's why...

P.S. that mark on his right paw is NOT sharpie... I don't know why you would think that.

Prop 8

I protested Prop 8 alongside many friends at Civic Plaza this morning.

Here are some signs Kate and I made for the protest -
...didn't get any photos of the protest/march... maybe i should have...

It was a really nice environment!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Wonderful weekend.

Friday I worked a good 4 hours (don't want to over-do) and spent the afternoon in super-organizing mode (feels SO good to obsess over something that can actually get you somewhere). Friday night I went to an art show opening with Becks at our friends' art gallery (SCA Contemporary Art) and then to see The Q with Joey at the Box. Both were great fun!

Spent m' Saturday with Becks at the parents' and had din at g-ma's. It was a-mazing!
(Daddy's ouchie back caused him to miss out...which is why he is absent in all of the photos)
Saturday night I went with Joey to see Mild Pearl at the Box.

Today I did absolutely nothing until about two hours ago when I started din... made an AWESOME pizza.
whole wheat pizza dough from Trader Joe's
tomato confit (from Kate's mom) as the "sauce"
goat cheese
red onion
artichoke hearts
spicy chicken sausage from Trader Joe's

Friday, November 07, 2008


I've tried to refrain from strictly music posts but this is definitely worth it.

This week's free music video on iTunes is "Soon we'll be Found" by Sia... I've been a fan of hers for quite some time and really enjoy this song, so i downloaded it immediately. I just got a chance to watch it and O M G (!!!!!)... you have got to see it! If you have iTunes, get it NOW... if not, you can view it here (


Lyrics -
come along it is the break of day
surely now, you'll have some things to say
it's not the time for telling tales on me

so come along it won't be long
'til we return happy
shut your eyes, there are no lies
in this world we call sleep
let's desert this day of hurt
tomorrow we'll be free

let's not fight I'm tired can't we just sleep tonight
don't turn away it's just there's nothing left here to say
turn around i know we're lost but soon we'll be found

well it's been rough but we'll be just fine
work it out yeah we'll survive
you mustn't let a few bad times dictate

so come along, it won't be long
'til we return happy
shut your eyes, there are no lies
in this world we call sleep
let's desert this day of work
tomorrow we'll be free

let's not fight I'm tired can't we just sleep tonight
don't turn away it's just there's nothing left here to say
turn around i know we're lost but soon we'll be found

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Fun at home

I took another day off work to *cough* work on *cough* a paper *cough cough*... it clearly went well. :)

After cleaning out the fridge (had to make note that I did something productive today) I hung out with Jenn and Lindsay.

Lindsay likes drawing on my mirror as much as I do :) ...
My neighbor taught me this neat little trick on election night...

...Hockey loves it, and so does Lindsay... clearly...

Play date

My camera and I followed my good friend, Jenny (w/Emma) and her daughter, Lindsay to the park yesterday. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors that come out of the new Nikon.