Sunday, November 09, 2008

Wonderful weekend.

Friday I worked a good 4 hours (don't want to over-do) and spent the afternoon in super-organizing mode (feels SO good to obsess over something that can actually get you somewhere). Friday night I went to an art show opening with Becks at our friends' art gallery (SCA Contemporary Art) and then to see The Q with Joey at the Box. Both were great fun!

Spent m' Saturday with Becks at the parents' and had din at g-ma's. It was a-mazing!
(Daddy's ouchie back caused him to miss out...which is why he is absent in all of the photos)
Saturday night I went with Joey to see Mild Pearl at the Box.

Today I did absolutely nothing until about two hours ago when I started din... made an AWESOME pizza.
whole wheat pizza dough from Trader Joe's
tomato confit (from Kate's mom) as the "sauce"
goat cheese
red onion
artichoke hearts
spicy chicken sausage from Trader Joe's

1 comment:

Just Jenn said...

AW! Cute sisters! I'm jealous!