Friday, March 30, 2007


Just a couple of days ago I was ready to pull the plug on school, knowing that I would likely lose my job and scholarship, I wanted desperately to drop half of my classes. The middle of the semester always seems to be the worst. I had (well, have) a somewhat difficult paper due and all the midterms and tests were piling up. I received my lowest grade ever on a sign language exam, I held a 64% in my Data Analysis class and I really didn't (still don't) want to write that paper for Contemporary Theory. Aside from my battle with Contemporary Theory things are looking up. I met with my ASL teacher for the mid-semester meeting and received my grade for the expressive (where I video tape myself signing) midterm (something I thought I did absolutely horrible on), turns out I got an A and have a B in the class. I took my midterm in Contemporary Theory and feel pretty damn good about it... just need to write that paper. I had a quiz yesterday for Data Analysis and I'm pretty sure I correctly answered all (including the extra credit questions) correctly which will bring my grade up to a 74%, I am very confident I can bring it up to at least a B. :) ... the class I haven't mentioned yet, Psychology of Women I am doing relatively well in (glad there's at least one of these).

Now, I just need the motivation to get going on this paper. Where do I find it?

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