Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Road-trip adventures

Remind me to think twice about a 9 hour car ride with people I hardly know.

I went to Phoenix last weekend, took the southern route so Kris, the driver (a good friend of mine who I met last semester in ASL1) could stop in Tucson to see her best friend. We were blessed with annoyance from the get go but I suppose it could've been worse. Our mission (well most of our mission, as Kris' was to see her best friend) was to go to the DeafNation Expo.

We started our venture around 2:30 picked up Lesley (from last semester's ASL1 class) and Mollie, the last minute addition (from Lesley's Fingerspelling class). We stopped in Tucson and got to Phoenix at 2:09am Saturday morning. Our hotel had changed names the day before our arrival causing us to be 9 minutes past check in. The hotel was wonderful. We ate a late breakfast at the Eggery and went to the Expo.

The Expo was quite fun, saw a few performances and bought a couple of books. The next morning we headed back to Albuquerque... after 3 stops we made it back in 1 piece. It's good to be home.

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