Friday, March 30, 2007


Just a couple of days ago I was ready to pull the plug on school, knowing that I would likely lose my job and scholarship, I wanted desperately to drop half of my classes. The middle of the semester always seems to be the worst. I had (well, have) a somewhat difficult paper due and all the midterms and tests were piling up. I received my lowest grade ever on a sign language exam, I held a 64% in my Data Analysis class and I really didn't (still don't) want to write that paper for Contemporary Theory. Aside from my battle with Contemporary Theory things are looking up. I met with my ASL teacher for the mid-semester meeting and received my grade for the expressive (where I video tape myself signing) midterm (something I thought I did absolutely horrible on), turns out I got an A and have a B in the class. I took my midterm in Contemporary Theory and feel pretty damn good about it... just need to write that paper. I had a quiz yesterday for Data Analysis and I'm pretty sure I correctly answered all (including the extra credit questions) correctly which will bring my grade up to a 74%, I am very confident I can bring it up to at least a B. :) ... the class I haven't mentioned yet, Psychology of Women I am doing relatively well in (glad there's at least one of these).

Now, I just need the motivation to get going on this paper. Where do I find it?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sister is legal :)

Last Thursday my lovely sister turned 18, this means that we can now do things w/out parents' (written) permission. We're still good kids and tell our parents about our plans. Thursday she got her nose peirced with her best friend, Amanda. I tried to talk her out of it, but it really looks great on her. Friday we got pedicures hung out all day and decorated our big sis/little sis tattoos (that we got a year ago - for her 17th birthday). I am quite in love with my new pretties, especially since I can see this one :)

I hope to get a better photo and one with my sister soon. Hope this'll hold you over. :)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Free transportation to school?

Students to get free bus rides

Yesssssss! Now, how does this work? Someone teach me! I could just call the trip planner but that seems so... lame. Surley someone with half a brain can figure this shit out? ... right?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


... I'm sure we've all had these days, hope they go much better this time around!
Happy midterms to you all! Spring break is within reaching distance!

Road-trip adventures

Remind me to think twice about a 9 hour car ride with people I hardly know.

I went to Phoenix last weekend, took the southern route so Kris, the driver (a good friend of mine who I met last semester in ASL1) could stop in Tucson to see her best friend. We were blessed with annoyance from the get go but I suppose it could've been worse. Our mission (well most of our mission, as Kris' was to see her best friend) was to go to the DeafNation Expo.

We started our venture around 2:30 picked up Lesley (from last semester's ASL1 class) and Mollie, the last minute addition (from Lesley's Fingerspelling class). We stopped in Tucson and got to Phoenix at 2:09am Saturday morning. Our hotel had changed names the day before our arrival causing us to be 9 minutes past check in. The hotel was wonderful. We ate a late breakfast at the Eggery and went to the Expo.

The Expo was quite fun, saw a few performances and bought a couple of books. The next morning we headed back to Albuquerque... after 3 stops we made it back in 1 piece. It's good to be home.

Monday, March 05, 2007

21st B-day Report

7:30-12:30 Work

Get new HORIZONTAL drivers license w/Amy (oh so beautiful... rather exciting, really)

1:30 lunch at the Quarters with pops, g-ma, Amy and sister. Dad bought first (legal) beer... told the waitress "we're so glad she's finally 21, now she can get rid of the fake she's had for the past 3 years"

Birthday ice cream w/Amy.

Hang with Amy. Nap. Ditch class.

7:00 sign lab w/Kris.

Meet w/Lesley. Plan Phoenix.

8:30 Dinner @ Saggio's w/K8, Amy, Richard & Fabian

Anodyne w/Amy.