Sunday, February 04, 2007


It needed to be done. My old ink needed to be livened up a bit (as it does mean "to live" I figured it would be appropriate). Week before last Amy and I got matching tattoos to decorate our firsts. They're the same branch but different flowers and I love it. I haven't had the chance to snag a shot of hers yet but stayed tuned. Here's a close up:
They're so addicting... it's sick really. I'm already ready for my next, and wanting to squeeze one in before my sister and I get one for her birthday (on the 22nd of March). I'll probably hold off for a while, as my wallet isn't on the same page as me as far as time goes. I hope to decorate my shoulder with silhouettes of birds and possibly a sun in the background. The sun'll probably go a little something like this:
and the birds'll be taken from a photo either myself or my dad took. It'll be exciting, really.

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