Friday, February 16, 2007

Relish ::two thumbs way up::

Summer and I just experianced the best lunch in the history of our lunches! AMAZING!
Chipotle rubbed roast pork, honey ham, swiss cheese, sliced pickle and cilantro mayo served toasted on a baguette makes up their most popular sandwich, the Cubano. I had to go to taste it for myself. I can now see why the people that know about it love it so much! They have a nice variety of sandwiches (both hot and cold) and salads. We hit right when they opened (at 11) and the crowd soon followed... everything we saw looked wonderful. I encourage you to check it out when you get a chance and support this wonderful deli. There are currently two locations one downtown @ 411 Central Ave NW and the other uptown @ 8019 Menaul Blvd NE I believe they're open from 11-5 on weekdays. LOVE IT!

(menu to be posted when I get home)

P.S. if you're lookin' for a lunch buddy, hit me up!

Well done Albuquerque

I must say... I am very proud of Albuquerque. After a couple of "good" snowfalls they've finally figured it out. I went to Smith's just down the road from my house and the streets and parkinglot had already been plowed. After that I went to Hollywood video and they were working on plowing that, I must say... I was rather shocked as this was unheard of the last couple of times. I was very VERY impressed!

::2 thumbs up::

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Friday, February 09, 2007

Equality in the classroom

How do you feel about this? I started this entry as a lengthy commentary but decided to see what you thought rather than share my thoughts. So, if you will... provide some opinions. Thanks. (Please note the first comment on the article and share your response to that too, if you like.)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

...and I'm feelin' good

<-- Just may be one of the best ways to start a day. Even though my apartment was dangerously close to an Einstein's I still felt that it was too out of the way to justify lengthening my already 1/2 hour drive to work. I now have a much shorter drive. This gives me motivation to get up and get going earlier. Now, I can leave 20 minutes before I need to be at work and have more than enough time to stop at Einstein's. It is fabulous and I love it. There is nothing like waking up early and starting the day off with a good breakfast. It provides for more productivity and a higher sense of acheivement and self-worth. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Rainbow Jello

I must make this.
Where's the time?

Sunday, February 04, 2007


It needed to be done. My old ink needed to be livened up a bit (as it does mean "to live" I figured it would be appropriate). Week before last Amy and I got matching tattoos to decorate our firsts. They're the same branch but different flowers and I love it. I haven't had the chance to snag a shot of hers yet but stayed tuned. Here's a close up:
They're so addicting... it's sick really. I'm already ready for my next, and wanting to squeeze one in before my sister and I get one for her birthday (on the 22nd of March). I'll probably hold off for a while, as my wallet isn't on the same page as me as far as time goes. I hope to decorate my shoulder with silhouettes of birds and possibly a sun in the background. The sun'll probably go a little something like this:
and the birds'll be taken from a photo either myself or my dad took. It'll be exciting, really.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

I love him

(T climbs on to my bed and sits next to me)
Me: "who do you have there?"
T: "Spiderman and Superman, mommy gave them back to me cuz I went poopoo in the potty"
Me: "good job dude, way to go!!!"
T: "you're welcome. I'm gonna go play down stairs. (walks away) I love you CholE"
Me: "I love you too!"
T: (walking down the stairs) "I love you the most"
Me: "No, I love you the most"
T: (half way down the stairs)"I miss you!"

God, this kid kills me. The love I have for him is far beyond words.