Monday, December 31, 2007

Best Record Releases of '07

Here they are in no particular order:
(I've included my top 2 songs from each album)

The Con - Tegan & Sara
Best yet. I love every song on the album - v. hard to choose.
- Call it off
- Relief Next to Me
Grow up and Blow Away - Metric
- Soft Rock Star
- Soft Rock Star (Jimmy vs. Joe Mix)
Challengers - The New Pornographers
- My Rights vs. yours
- Myriad Harbor
Under the Blacklight - Rilo Kiley
- Give a Little Love
- The Moneymaker
The Reminder - Fiest
- How My Heart Behaves
- 1234
New Wave - Against Me
- Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart (featuring Tegan Quinn)
- Thrash Unreal
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga - Spoon
- Rhthm and Soul
- My Little Japanese Cigarette Case
Can I Keep This Pen? - Northern State
Aside from the fact they talk too damn much they're great in concert too!
- Sucka Mofo
- Away Away
Boy With a Coin - Iron and Wine
- Boy wiht a Coin
- Pagan Angel and a Borrowed Car
In Our Bedroom after the War - Stars
- Today will be Better, I Swear!
- Window Bird
Poor Aim: Love Songs - The Blow
Havent really listened to this one but I thought Paper Television was released this year but turns out that was released in '06... apparently I'm a year behind. I liked Paper Television enough to include this on my list... I assure you that if I find this selection to fall short I will def let you know.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Future is... now

Amazon takes another step towards taking over...

Take a gander at Amazon's Kindle.

When I was younger we were promised - among other things - the extinsion of books on paper.


(Maybe this is "old" news (???) but... I just discovered it. Give me a break)

Monday, December 03, 2007

New(ish) blog - Check it:

The Thoughts of an Idiot...

(awesome music reviews & more!)

T's 4th

Figured these were pretty self-explanatory...

Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007


February 22 - March 3

$792.00 Roundtrip (First flight on my search results, I didn't add fees... oh well)
$483.00 Eurail Pass (10 days, 5 countries)
$600.00 Sleeperies (rounding up 10 nights)
$325.00 Foodies (10 per meal, 3 meals per day, 10 days +$25 cush)
$300.00 Spending money
$20.00 Tegan and Sara Concert ticket (I think it'll be around 20 after fees and such)

TOTAL $2520.00

... need to convert to Euros... we'll do that when I don't have homework to do.

... and we wonder why I never get anything done.

(please see the 2 posts before this one...)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Trip to Belfast... and then some.

I just figured out most logical route for my trip.

*Paris = optional.

I want the scarf!

Trailer Talk: episode 3

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Clearly the only solution to this is going to see T&S in Belfast... come on the show's on by birthday... it will be great fun!

Who's in?!?!?!?

Friday, November 09, 2007

Advisement Requested

After this semester my Soc degree is finished, just need 3 psych classes to finish my minor and a 3 more whatever (aka Sign) classes to hit the 128 needed to graduate.

Sounds pretty good 'eh? Only thing is... it kills me to think of detaching myself from Sign Language.

Should I:

A. Graduate this May w/Soc minor Psych and "go back" for a B.S. in Sign Lang Interpreting (assuming I get accepted)
Good: I feel like I've accomplished s

B. Drop the Psych minor idea and double major in Soc and Sign?
Good: I don't have to worry about losing my job.

Either way I think it'll tack on another 2 years (that would only be full time to keep my job). That's what I get for deciding on the sign thing so late...

Please help me.

(I still need to post photos from CO last weekend)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

Amy's Shower

Amy's bridal shower was Saturday... Below you'll find a decent sample of facial expressions made by Amy.

...were from her mother... you can tell she loves them.

Let them eat cake:

Growers Market Downtown

Dad and I took a trip down to the Growers Market... Good times. Took over 500 photos... here are some of the better ones:

Monday, October 15, 2007

Donovan Kain Cunningham

... Kid of my good friend/old roommate Abby and her husband (as it does take two to tango) Matt.

...Born on October 7, 2007 at 8:50pm.
....7 lbs 11 onces
...20 3/4 inches long

::photos taken at a week old::

Friday, October 12, 2007

Balloon Fiesta

Day 1: Sunday am forgot camera :(
Day 2: Monday pm - nothing going on... clearly...

Day 3: Wednesday am

Day 4: Thursday pm

Day 5: Friday pm
(Someone's passionate about corn)

(LOVE him)