Friday, November 09, 2007

Advisement Requested

After this semester my Soc degree is finished, just need 3 psych classes to finish my minor and a 3 more whatever (aka Sign) classes to hit the 128 needed to graduate.

Sounds pretty good 'eh? Only thing is... it kills me to think of detaching myself from Sign Language.

Should I:

A. Graduate this May w/Soc minor Psych and "go back" for a B.S. in Sign Lang Interpreting (assuming I get accepted)
Good: I feel like I've accomplished s

B. Drop the Psych minor idea and double major in Soc and Sign?
Good: I don't have to worry about losing my job.

Either way I think it'll tack on another 2 years (that would only be full time to keep my job). That's what I get for deciding on the sign thing so late...

Please help me.

(I still need to post photos from CO last weekend)

1 comment:

Just Jenn said...

Hee Hee! I've so already replied to this. And yes, CO pictures would be GREAT!