Thursday, December 03, 2009

Little Big

I don't know that I've made this "public" yet... but I'm a Big w/Big Brothers Big Sisters. My little brother moved to CO in October and I was finally matched with a new little. Lily and I met yesterday and had our first hang time today... we had so much fun we had to call and ask for more time (2 hours over what we had planned).

Here's some of the damage we did:

I'd say we're quite the match. :)


trenchmonkey said...

That's great, Kiddo! Proud of you Nic :)

Just Jenn said...

You're a great big sis! Good thing Mishay is willing to share.

K8 said...

That's great! Looks like you had a lot of fun :)

elleneliz said...

What a great gesture! You obviously have a lot to give!