Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lasagna sans meat & dairy.

Soooo good!

Layers are:
  • Lasagna noodles (cooked 8 minutes)
  • "Ricotta" = tofu (12oz firm, crumbled), plain goat cheese (a bit, crumbled), garlic, scallion, thinly chopped zucchini, spices (nutmeg, oregano, ground pepper, garlic salt, italian mix), and 2 eggs... mixed together w/hands.
  • Soy Mozzarella (Trader Joe's brand is the best I've found so far!)
  • Crimini mushrooms (sauteed in truffle oil and margarine)
  • Marinara sauce of choice


trenchmonkey said...

Way to go, Kiddo...sounds delicious :)

Just Jenn said...

So proud of your cooking skills!