Monday, February 16, 2009


I'm beginning to think we're not in Albuquerque any more...

Feb 13 - SOLD OUT Andrew Bird show (f'ing incredible... definitely my FAVORITE concert EVER... if you get a chance to see him DO IT... it'll be worth your time/money)

Feb 26 - Modest Mouse

March 3 - G. Love

April 11 - Mirah

April 12 - Conor Oberst

April 30 - Mae

M. Ward'll be here, too ... but I don't remember when.

So far, the only concert I'd like to travel for is Mates of State... the rest'll be HERE. What's going on?!?!?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


... every time I want to say "K, so..." I think "queso" which obviously makes me think "cheese"... hence the title. Anyway...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately (and that messy update post)... I take WAY too many photos... and my internet is currently broken at home... so it makes it kinda hard.

Comcast man is going to fix the internet today and I'm going to try to get/stay more on top o' things... stay tuned.


Monday, February 09, 2009

Amy's b-day din & sister shots

Friday night Amy, sister, Templer, and I went out to din for Amy's birthday...


I totally miss this kid...


Templer took a photo of the three of us, not bad 'eh?


Sister and me - mostly for you Aunt E. :)







(thanks sis, for having your camera)


Thurs 1.22 open mic night at Winning. Here's my friend Tabby, she kicked some arse.

Tabby's fan club....
Becks got a camera... so we shoot things together now, like hangers in laundromats.
and each other... in coffee shops...
I went to LC for Sarah's b-day on 1.24. We hung out at this lovely coffee shopish place... and I found Yerba Mate for $3.99 for 17.9oz... KILLER!... 1.27 tried to see Action Design but their bus broke down in Amarillo-ish... but I dig the venu...
1.29 got to take Jenn out for her first night out since having her newest kiddo... (pool @ Copper & lube wrestling @ Exhale... decent first night out, 'eh?)

1.30 more coffee shooting... went to Amarillo 1.30-2.1 to visit Traci's fam.

2.something trip to the airport to shoot things...

2.soemthing shooting downtown...
(note Andrew Bird and G. Love - WOOT!)