Thursday, July 10, 2008


Sorry it's been like 10 years since I posted last... I've been tossing photos up on my picasa web album rather than this here blog. I need to figure out a balance between the two, obviously. Ah balance...

Anyway, there is a reason for this post.

I am finally going to a music festival (my schedule can be found here). I bought my ticket to ACL a while back and booked my flight to Austin this morning! Wahoooooooooo! This is definitely countdown worthy!

Now, this whole travel bit has got me thinking (well... dreaming) about Portland. This week I got an email from Southwest announcing $79 flights to Portland from Denver. This pretty much sounds like it was created for me :) I have my plan all set up. Want to hear it?

October 13th - Drive to Denver in the am and see Tegan and Sara in the pm. Stay the night.
October 14th - Fly to Portland
October 18th - Fly to Denver and drive home (if I feel like it)

... the only problem with this trip is school, I have class M-Th... hell, I'll rearrange my schedule. The only *real* problem with this trip is I may get "lost" at any point and refuse to come home.
