Saturday, September 29, 2007

Weekend trip

... Went to Denver last weekend with Kate. The reason for the trip was to see Metric on Friday at the Bluebird. Metric was great but was accompanied by a terrible opener and I was bummed by the fact that I could've had my camera but didn't. Before the concert we grabbed some grub and beer at Old Chicago (a pull from trips to Duluth) which was conveniently on the way to Bluebird. :)
Saturday we had breakfast at Einstein's (because God-forbid I refrain from everything we can easlily get in ABQ) and drove up to Ft. Collins to check out the New Belgium Brewing Company. It was pretty awesome, got the chance to sample 4 NB beers I had never had before and load up on some fun gear (shirt, decals, frisbee...ya know, all those "must haves"). Pretty exciting. When we got back we went to see Transformers in an IMAX theater. The flick was followed by more beer at Old Chicago. Good times. We drove back Sunday after a stop at Perkins for breakfast (another pull from MN/WI trips).

Gotta love trips to Denver. Can't wait for my next one... sister's coming!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

New Couch

Kitten and I agreed that it was time to get new seating/laying arrangements in the living room... we tried everything to get comfy on these :)

I finally managed to pull my lazy ass off the damn thing to take a photo of it...

Awkward lighting but this is what my couch looks at all day...

(I am MORE THAN aware that the green curtains HAVE TO go... but my wallet isn't providing the cash... Maybe by Christmas I'll be able to get rid of the Christmas theme :) I still love it though... green curtains and all)

Kind of attached...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Bought a new couch at the end of August... got it last weekend. Might've been one of the worst investments ever... it has done a fabulous job of gluing my ass to it. At least I have my gym membership (which I have consistantly been going to daily since I got it) to counter the gelato-intake and couch sitting.

At least there's some sort of balance in my life.

Just call me potato.

::photo coming soon::

Laru Ni Hati

My hair has been looking a bit over-grown lately, ya know... with the split-ends and funky wave. I decided that after walking past it almost every day (on my quest to Ecco for gelato, of course) that I should give Laru Ni Hati a try. I also wanted something different... not the style "different" - a cut my stylist ALWAYS gives me when I ask for "something different." Plus they were voted best salon by everything that matters (Weekly Alibi, Daily Lobo...) and double plus they have late night trims for 25 bucks. I figured there couldn't really be much harm in hittin' it up... if nothing else it was convenient.

So, in typical Nichole fashion I met Kate (who was also getting a cut) 15 before our appts. (which were at 7). We were offered a bevy and I opted for the Cream Soda... a poor choice after realizing they had Samuel Smith's... damn rushed decisions. We sat down and chatted for a bit. Kate was called back about 2 after 7... not that I was paying attention. I sat alone staring at my bottle of super-sweet cream soda... feeling pressured to finish it quickly so I wouldn't have to worry about it any longer. New haircuts already make me nervous, the fact that they are 15 minutes late is not helping... I continued to sit and around 7:30 Amy (the woman who was supposed to be cutting my hair at 7) comes down and grabs her 7:30 appointment. The thoughts of canceling the appt. keep flowing through my head. Someone tells me that the owner is going to pick up my appt. I figured that I lucked out big time... getting the owner (who charges 60 bucks for his cuts) to cut my hair for 25... good deal right?

I felt really good about this (sorta... as it may have just been an illusion). Figuring that it would be ok to leave my hair in his hands I kinda told him what I wanted but that I'd leave it up to him. During the cut he proceeded to tell me that if I wanted a cut like this again, I wasn't going to get it for 25 bucks (yeah, no shit jack ass). The small talk continued and he went on about this class he had just gotten back from... apparently this was a class on razor cutting. While cutting my hair with the razor he continued to tell me all the benefits (almost as if he was trying to sell his cut to me, as he was giving it to me). Kind of annoying. If nothing else he had a sense of humor and a "personality"... so we can't dog him too much.

Cut was finished... looked good and felt great. But it was wet. This is the difference (aside from the time) between a late-night trim and a regular trim... they don't style it for you. I had figured it would be totally worth the cheaper price because I generally don't like salon styled hair anyway. I was wrong... it looks shitty. Decent cut but it looks shitty on me... for the amount of time he spent "analyzing" you'd think this "professional" would've been able to pull something off. I just wish he would've listened to me when I said I wanted it flippy (he didn't think it was a good idea... but I've had it and it worked).

Ugh. Probably won't go back. Ever. Maybe I'll give Swank a try?

::I'll consider posting a photo in due time::

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


...similar to the sound I make when I tast something yucky, but that's probably not spelled with a "ck." Fear not my friends, this is far from yucky...

I don't even know where to start. All I know right now is that I LOVE it!

Have a look for yourself...