Sunday, May 24, 2009

Q Jam

^not from Q Jam^ :)




green! green! we like green!

Friday was absolutely gorgeous! Jenn and I took a walk to my park to enjoy the freshly rained on desert. :) I love Albuquerque when it doesn't feel like Albuquerque. haha.

Side note on the dog: She's wonderful! We're going to obedience school (@ Acoma) to help her become even more perfect.

Asian Festival

Shot w/the old man...
Daddy let me get a snow cone all by my self... Here are some of the keepers I grabbed on dad's camera...

Tea for Trees

Gaby and I tossed our old loose teas together and brewed it for the trees (thanks NM Tea Co for the idea)...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom's Day

Went to Standard Diner with mum and the grandmas on Friday...

...and Gold Street Cafe on Sunday morning with mum and dad...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

From pa

Pops took this at Lauren's opening last Friday... thought it was pretty snazzy and that it should be an album cover... but I don't have a band. I'll hafta talk these lovely ladies into forming a band... bet I could. I call bass!